National backbone teacher of the "Cross -Century Garden Project" of the Ministry of Education

National backbone teacher of the "Cross -Century Garden Project" of the Ministry of Education

On March 27, 2024, the appointment ceremony of the teaching president of Wenxian Senior High School in Heze City was held in Jinan, and Zhang Hongwei, the second middle school of Licheng, was appointed as the principal of teaching.
(Liu Xiang, chairman of Wenxian High School, awarded a letter of employment to Zhang Hongwei)
Liu Xiang, general manager of Shandong Volkswagen Wenxian Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. and chairman of Heze Wenxian High School, and Sha Tiezhu, the executive principal of Heze Wenxian High School attended the appointment ceremony.At the ceremony, the two sides reached a consensus on the next development of the school. I hope to take this cooperation as an opportunity to give full play to President Zhang’s teaching management experience, introduce the advanced management teaching experience and excellent teachers of the second middle school in the province, and create a theory to create a theoryThe high -quality teacher team combined with knowledge and teaching practice has deeply improved the level of teaching management management of Wenxian High School.
Zhang Hongwei, the national backbone teacher of the Ministry of Education’s “Cross -Century Garden Project”, the outstanding ideological and political teacher in Shandong Province, the provincial new curriculum training expert, member of the Jinan High School Teaching Guidance Group, a member of the Jinan High School Teaching Center, Training Expert of Youth Teachers of Jinan City.
President Zhang graduated from Shandong Normal University and participated in the Shandong Provincial College Entrance Examination Entrance Examination and Trial Evaluation. He participated in more than 80 propositions and higher -level propositions in Jinan City. He has unique research on the propositions and teaching methods of college entrance examinations.Training, training of young teachers, and strengthening lectures on college entrance examinations are used to train lectures hundreds of teachers inside and outside the province.Since the teaching, more than ten students of Qingbei have been trained, and the teaching aids participating in the writing include the “New College Entrance Examination Plan”, “Examination Questions”, “Gang Examination Gang”, “Golden Training”, “Must -Brush the College Entrance Examination” and so on.
About Wenxian High School
Heze Wenxian Senior High School is a characteristic, differentiated, and high -quality ordinary high school in Heze City to meet the social needs of high school specialization school running in high school.The school was approved by the Heze Education Bureau and the Heze Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau. It has enrolled in Heze City since 2024.
Wenxian High School is located in the central urban area of Mudan District (No. 8 Jiefang South Street). It is separated from a wall from the 21st Central South Campus of Heze. The surrounding high -quality schools are Lin.School transportation is convenient and elegant.The school covers a total area of nearly 80 acres. There are currently teaching and teaching supporting facilities such as teaching and teaching facilities such as teaching buildings, student apartment buildings, teacher -student restaurants, stadiums, lecture halls, comprehensive office buildings, and teacher apartment buildings.
Wenxian High School takes the school motto with “Cultural People, Xianda World”, adheres to the boutique schools, humanities schools and special schools, creating boutique classrooms, boutique dormitories, boutique classrooms, supplemented by quasi -military school characteristics, cultivating elite talents, guaranteeing every everyA student grows healthy.
In terms of management, the school actively cultivates a team of teachers with love, patience, and responsible, creating a warm campus, so that students have vitality, vitality, under their feet, light in their eyes, clear goals, and cheerful personality.In terms of characteristics of running schools, adhere to students as the center, carry out differentiated teaching and layered teaching, and meet the selective needs, differentiated needs and personalized needs of parents and students. Classroom teaching is combined with one -to -one counseling.It also emphasizes the comprehensive quality and innovative spirit of students, and cultivates modern middle school students with Chinese characteristics and international vision.
(Volkswagen Daily · Volkswagen News Client Li Xianlong)