Ministry of Ecology and Environment: The coupling of extreme weather and other factors is superimposed, which brings great challenges to the response and prevention of emergencies

Ministry of Ecology and Environment: The coupling of extreme weather and other factors is superimposed, which brings great challenges to the response and prevention of emergencies

Xin Huanghe client, Beijing, June 24th (Reporter Li Yunheng)On June 24, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a June routine press conference. Li Tianwei, director of the Office of Ecological Environment Emergency Command Command Leading Group, said,In recent years, my country’s emergencies have presented the following characteristics: First, the overall environmental incidents are declining in terms of number, but they still have multiple frequent high -risk trends.The second is that production safety and transportation accidents are the main causes of emergencies.Third, about three -quarters of emergencies in about three years involve water pollution, and about half of the emergencies involved in air pollution.Fourth, from the perspective of the difficulty of disposal, environmental emergencies have the characteristics of wide pollution, long disposal time, and great environmental impact.Fifth, emergencies are closely related to the lives of the people, and they must not be neglected at all.

Li Tianwei introduced that in recent years, the number of emergencies in my country has declined in terms of number of environmental incidents, but it still shows a high -risk trend of frequent frequent frequent.The time and space distribution of emergencies is very uncertain, the incentives are complicated, there are many types of pollutants involved, the environmental impact is large, the sensitivity is high, and it is difficult to prevent disposal.Responsive from five aspects.

First, from the number of events.Since 2013, the number of emergencies across the country has dropped from more than 700 to about 300 each year. In the past two or three years, it has been around 200 every year. Among them, major events are about two or so every year, and large events are about ten or so.The high -risk situation of frequent environmental events has not fundamentally changed. All provinces have undergone emergencies. Based on the industrial layout of chemical enterprises, the number of emergencies in the central and eastern regions is relatively large.

2. From the cause of the event.Production safety and transportation accidents are the main causes of emergencies. The leakage of chemical companies, fire explosions, leakage of tailings, and transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals, the proportion of these secondary emergencies accounts for 80%above.In less than 10%of illegal sewage and so on.At the same time, natural disasters, leftover problems, etc. can also occur in environmental incidents.In recent years, the impact of extreme weather has become more and more prominent, and it is usually superimposed with other factors, which has brought great challenges to the response and prevention of emergencies.

3. From the perspective of pollution.After nearly ten years of scheduling, more than three -quarters of emergencies involved water pollution, and about half of the emergencies of emergencies involved air pollution.Some environmental events have caused pollution of water, atmosphere, and soil.The types of pollutants involved in emergencies are also complicated and diverse.There are more common substances such as heavy metals, benzene, and petroleum.At the same time, in recent years, some new pollutants such as dichloromethane, as well as toluene diisocyanate and other very rare chemicals.

Fourth, from the difficulty of disposal.Basin -wide water pollution incidents often have a wide range of pollution, fast expansion, and once the pollutants enter the river, they often face the effects of dangerous ground and complex hydrological conditions. It is very difficult to deal with.The impact is relatively large.Some emergencies have a wide range of environmental incidents. In 2020, the leakage incident of Yichunluing Mining Mining Mining in Heilongjiang in 2020 caused more than 340 kilometers of river pollution.For more than 5 months.Some environmental impacts have a great impact. In 2022, the pollution incident in Yichun, Jiangxi Yichun, caused three water sources and four water plants to take water supply.

Fifth, from the perspective of sensitivity.Sudden environmental events are often closely related to the lives of the people. The sensitivity and social attention are very high. Once the incident causes water source pollution or the leakage of toxic and harmful gases, it may cause serious physical health, production and life of the surrounding people,The influence will also cause greater social problems, and it must not be neglected at all.