Future Commercial Early Symposium | Ali 1688 will be fully entered.

Every reporter Liu Xuemei every editor Li Zhuo    

| Tuesday, March 26, 2024 |

No.1 Ali 1688 will be fully entered into Tao, and will set up a special channel

1688 recently launched Tao, and three stores were opened in advance. The subsequent shops will be integrated into a channel similar to Tmall supermarkets, and the source of the 1688 strictly selected OEM will be launched on Taobao.Merchants do not need to open a store in Taobao, but instead use the semi -custody model to directly connect the consumer market.These three shops are strictly selected Taobao shops, companies self -picking Tmall stores and industrial experts to choose Tmall stores.

Comment:Ali 1688 fully enters Tao and set up a special channel is an important strategic adjustment.The 1688 platform, as a traditional B2B platform, has long served small and medium -sized enterprises and manufacturers for a long time. This time, comprehensive entry means that it officially involves the B2C market and directly connects to terminal consumers to the source factory goods.For manufacturers, this measure can reduce intermediate links, reduce sales costs, and increase market response speed; for Taobao platforms, it means that it can enrich its product structure and enhance price competitiveness.However, this will also challenge Taobao’s existing merchants, especially those who rely on profitable in the middle to pay attention to differentiated competition and brand building.Ali needs to ensure that the quality and services of new channels are consistent with the existing Taobao ecology to ensure the user experience.

No.2 SF Fengyi drone announced in the same city for real -time delivery and cross -city urgent delivery pricing

SF’s Fengyi drone announced the pricing of drone distribution, which is divided into real -time delivery and cross -city emergency delivery.In the same city, it is sent to 12 yuan a single order. At present, it has realized each other in Bao’an, Guangming District, and Longhua District of Shenzhen; “Shenzhen-Zhuhai”, “Haikou-Zhanjiang”, “Shenzhen-Zhongshan”, “Haikou-Zhanjiang”,”Shenzhen-Dongguan” cross-city route, 40 yuan during promotion.

Comment:The pricing of the Fengyi drone of SF, marking that drone logistics began to enter the commercial application stage.Compared with traditional logistics services, the first -time delivery and cross -city emergency pricing have certain price advantages, especially in scenarios with high efficiency and time -effective requirements.The announcement of this pricing is a clear signal for the industry, and competition in the field of drone distribution officially kicked off.SF needs to deal with the operating costs and price strategies of drones, as well as ensuring safety and reliability, in order to occupy a place in the future logistics market.At present, this service is still in the promotion period, and the acceptance of users and actual operational efficiency are yet to be further verified by the market.

No.3 Teabai Road passed the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Hearing

Under the wave of milk tea sprints, Tea Bai Road passed the hearing.On March 24, the new tea brand tea -Baidao parent company Sichuan Baicha Baidao Industrial Co., Ltd. released the information set after hearing,It means that the Teabai Road passed the listed hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the second milk tea company listed in Hong Kong stocks after the tea of JinaiEssence

Comment:Teabai Road passed the listed hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which illustrates the continued capital heat of the new tea industry.As the second milk tea company listed in Hong Kong stocks after Jinai ’s tea, the listing of Tea Baidao is a positive incentive for the industry, which helps enhance the overall brand value of the industry and the attention of the capital market.However, the new tea market is fiercely competitive. From the perspective of the development of the past few years, various brands are constantly expanding stores and product lines to build differentiated advantages.Investors need to pay attention to the profit model, cost control, and future sustainable growth plan of Cha Baidao, which will directly affect the company’s stock price performance and market position.

No.4 New Oriental Cultural Tourism establishes a new company in Suzhou, including personal Internet live broadcast business

The Tianyancha APP shows that recently, New Oriental Wade (Suzhou) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. was established. The legal representative is Zhu Wenzheng, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The business scope includes tourism business, digital cultural creative software development, Internet sales, tourism development projectPlanning consulting, passenger ticket agency, personal Internet live broadcast service, etc.The equity panoramic penetrating map shows that the company is wholly -owned by Beijing New Oriental Vocad International Education Travel Co., Ltd., which is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Beijing New Oriental Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.