"Fengkou Research Report" low -altitude economic policy supports the plus size industry is expected to enter the commercial stage of commercialization

"Fengkou Research Report" low -altitude economic policy supports the plus size industry is expected to enter the commercial stage of commercialization

  On April 16, the two cities’ stock indexes went down sharply, and the Shanghai index was approaching 3,000 points.Return.

  The industry sector has rarely fell across the board,MicrocontinalFollowing the plunge yesterday, the index fell over 10%again today. The limit of more than 700 stocks and less than 300 stocks.
Low -altitude economyIt is an unprecedented development trend and has grown into a new growth engine. According to incomplete statistics, at least 8 cities in the country have released this yearLow -altitude economyRelevant policies and bidding announcements are planned to prepare related development implementation plans.Recently, the Nanshan Administration of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau issued a bidding intention of “Low and landing facilities in Nanshan District and the Preparation of Low -altitude Airspace Refined Plan”, which is planned to systematically plan the region’s multi -level low -altitude aircraft take -off and landing facilities, formulate recent construction constructionThe plan gradually promotes the opening and orderly operation of cross -border routes.CITIC SecuritiesSaid that EVTOL flys into reality, optimistic about related materials and components; ShanghaiSecuritiesPoint out,Low -altitude economyThe market prospects are broad, and the testing test is expected to benefit;Cinda SecuritiesIt is believed that the low -altitude economy industry is expected to enter the stage of commercialization.

  CITIC Securities: EVTOL fly into reality and optimistic about related materials and components

  The low -altitude economy is the new economic growth engine in my country. The EVTOL aircraft, the most emerging and most important carrier in the low -altitude economy industry, is expected to be the fastest growing part.With the continuous advancement of the policy end and airworthiness certification, the first batch of commercialized EVTOL projects will be ushered in in 2025. In 2026, the industry is expected to start rapid growth.The fields of raw materials and core component supply in the EVTOL industry chain are closely related to new productivity and high -end manufacturing, which will directly benefit from industry development.Pay attention to the non -crystal that resonates the concept of the low -altitude economy theme of low altitudeMotorAs well ascarbon fiberStructure,BatteryCore materials and component targets.
Huatai Securities: It is recommended to pay attention to investment opportunities on the low -altitude infrastructure side
  In the context of the top -level policy support and emerging demand driving, there may be large expected poor expectations in the “low -altitude economy” market.DroneAnd EVTOL may take the lead, carry the manned market or land in the direction of low -altitude tourism, and follow the needs of emerging people such as urban air transportation.SuggestionGeneral aviationInstrument,Drone, EVTOL and other emerging aircrafts, it is also recommended to pay attention to investment opportunities on low -altitude infrastructure.

  ShanghaiSecurities: Low -altitude economic market prospects broadly test test links are expected to benefit

  At present, my country’s low -altitude economy industry is continuously developed. It is expected that many new aircraft products will enter the stage of research and development and evidence collection. Considering that aircraft products are more complicated than land vehicles, the demand for testing tests will increase.Suggestion:Electricity and television measurementAs well asChinese testAs well asTestwait.

  Cinda Securities: The low -altitude economy industry is expected to enter the commercial stage

  The low -altitude economy market has a wide range of industries under the blessing of various localities. At the same time, domestic head enterprises are expected to enter the commercial stage during the active research and development and evidence collection stage.The low -altitude and industrial chain is deep. From the perspective of manufacturing, components and body chains are highly compliant with the automotive industry chain.Suggestions: 1. The entire machine manufacturer of the flight carWanfeng AoweiAs well asStraight sharesWait;Wolong Electric Drive, Communist and Wei Fu Materials.

  GalaxySecurities: Digital low -air empowering the beach to grab the low -altitude economy market

  along withAIAs well ascloud computingAs well asBig Data, 5G,TwinThe rapid development of information and communication technology, the number of numbers will helpDigital economyExpand from plane space to three -dimensional space, and the penetration rate has been further improved.Silas system will transform low -altitude airspace into calculated digital airspace to form formationTwinAirspace, realize the functions of airspace modeling, space -time computing, data fusion, simulation simulation and other functions.Digital low -air can be reshaped in urban assets in the era of land finance after the realization of the era of land finance: the city’s low -altitude is “re -developed” by digitizing, urban assets are “re -sold”, and urban infrastructure “rebuild”Complete the revenue of the digital industry.Relying on the huge volume of the low -altitude economy, the strong policy blessing of the stack, the number of numbers at low altitude is expected to becomeDigital economyNew engine.

  AVIC Securities: Low -altitude economic development space is broad

  The low -altitude economy has the characteristics of a wide range of radiation, long industrial chain, growth and strong driving.Scientific planning and construction of key infrastructure to provide related technical services support is a prerequisite and foundation for the large -scale, safe operation and stability of the industry.Suggestion:Aerospace macro mapAs well asShenchengjiaoAs well asJiuzhou, Sichuanwait.