congratulate!Qiao Jie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, won the International Life Science Research Award

congratulate!Qiao Jie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, won the International Life Science Research Award

On April 23, local time, UNESCO held the eighth UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Life Science Research Award ceremony in the Ethiopian Capital Asia.Chinese scientist Qiao Jie and three others won awards.
The award is jointly established by the UNESCO and the equatorial Guinea government, which aims to recognize institutions or individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of life sciences.Qiao Jie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and executive vice president of Peking University, has won the award for his research and sharing scientific data in reproductive medicine, improving women’s reproductive health.Scientists such as Tu Yu, Shi Yigong, etc. have won the award.
Except for Qiao Jie, the other two winners of the UNESCO-equatorial Guinea International Life Science Research Award are Faraj from Egypt and Statilisplos from Greece.They won awards for the contribution of metabolism and cancer therapy research.
Qiao Jie is a well -known reproductive medical expert in my country.For many years, she has been engaged in clinical and basic research related to obstetrics and reproductive health. She has conducted in -depth research on human embryo development mechanisms from the perspective of genetics and episodes, and successfully applied basic research results to clinical embryosPre -implantation of genetic diagnosis; revealing the pathogenesis mechanism of incurable infertility, optimizing the auxiliary reproductive techniques, and increasing the success rate of the treatment of patients with infertility infertility.In 2017, Qiao Jie was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Source: CCTV News, Beijing Daily Client
Edit: Liu Zhengyu
Audit: Yang Xuejuan
Signing: Liu Ping