Beijing Yizhuang held the China Aerospace Daily Business Aerospace Symposium, Zhongguancun, Yizhou Creation Commercial Aerospace Alliance launched

Beijing Yizhuang held the China Aerospace Daily Business Aerospace Symposium, Zhongguancun, Yizhou Creation Commercial Aerospace Alliance launched

On April 21, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (referred to as Beijing Yizhuang) held a China Aerospace Day Business Aerospace Seminar.The theme of this seminar is “Extremely Chutian, Xing Xinghan”, sponsored by the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee. Many industry experts can repeat the use of carrier rocket development and collaborative innovation paths to report theme reports, and for commercial aerospace flightsThe theme salon discussion of the construction of the launch, the construction of the commercial aerospace sharing factory and the accelerated application layout.Innovate industry ecology.

The theme report session, Jin Ping, associate professor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Luo Yan, deputy chief of the liquid rocket of Aerospace Science and Technology Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., and Tang Bo, a researcher at the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.”Theme, share topics such as the development and collaborative innovation path of the carrier rocket, the carrier rocket recycling indicators and key technologies, etc., and propose the development ideas of” mastering the core, breakthrough key, step -by -step implementation, and controlling risks “.Sliding fly back, fascinating back to return and other recycling methods.The theme discussion salon session, Yang Yiqiang, chairman and president of Beijing Zhongke Sweater Technology Co., Ltd., Liu Baiqi, chairman of Beijing Xinghe Power Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., etc.The theme of layout, the technical difficulties that need to break through the launch of the flight, the construction content of the factory, and the design ideas of the integrated star arrow.

The launching ceremony of the Zhongguancun Yichuang Commercial Space Alliance was held.The alliance was initiated by Beijing Yizhuang Xingjuan Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd.. The first batch of members included 39 enterprises such as Zhongke Soochi, Blue Arrow Aerospace, and Xinghe Power., Further promote the optimization of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and the allocation of resources, strengthen the communication and integration of commercial aerospace and related industries, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, vigorously promote the concentration of industry enterprises, form an industrial chain and value chain, and form a scale economy and technologyProgress, talent agglomeration and other advantages.Under the support and guidance of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the management committee of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, the Alliance will give full play to the advantages of the platform, integrate advantageous resources, and strive to in the field of ecological construction, industrial services, common technology research, conference forums, industry exchanges in the business space industry field, Market cooperation, transformation of results, and platform construction provide high -quality services to all sectors of society.

A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned that the “Beijing Repeated use of Rocket Technology Innovation Center (Call)” unveiled on February 3 this year is forming a planning plan.The Innovation Center focuses on the innovative development and promotion of the high -quality development of the industry, focusing on the development of the three key construction contents of reusable use of rocket core key technologies and common technology research and development, common technical service platform construction, and high -quality ecological system construction.It will actively establish a long -term cooperation mechanism with industry leading enterprises, universities and research institutes, share innovative resources, and improve the effectiveness of research and development.By building an industrial collaboration platform to promote close cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, and form a complete and efficient industrial chain system.At the same time, explore diversified funds to provide stable financial support for rocket companies.In addition, the Innovation Center will strengthen talent cultivation, strengthen training and exchanges, provide support for rocket technology research and development, improve the ecosystem, and promote commercial aerospace development.

It is understood that in 2023, Beijing implemented a total of 14 commercial rocket launch, 13 of which came from Beijing Yizhuang. For example, Blue Arrow Aerospace achieved the world’s first liquid oxygen methane carrier rocket for two consecutive tracks; interstellar glory successfully launched the first domestic liquid rocket in China Full -size one -child vertical take -off and landing and reusing flight test; Xinghe Power completes the first sea launch of private commercial rockets; Chinese Rockets Jielong III completed the first South China Sea launch in my country; China Science and Technology Aerospace Rocket No. 1 successfully launched an arrow 26 stars.

Li Ting, deputy director of the Beijing Economic Development Zone Automobile and Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Class, introduced that Beijing Yizhuang has gathered many commercial aerospace companies to cover the fields of carrier rockets, satellite development, satellite applications, model supporting, ground equipment, technology applications and other fields.The number of re -arrows develops more than 75%of the country, and has obtained multiple “firsts” in the field of commercial aerospace.

Li Ting said that at present, Beijing Yizhuang is led by “Beijing Rocket Street” and based on the “empty sky district” to build a characteristic park characteristic park to better build a star arrow integration, guide remote integration, empty world information information informationIntegrated development of commercial aerospace industry ecology.By 2028, Beijing Yizhuang will form a 50 billion -level industrial cluster of commercial aerospace. In 5 years, it will develop into a commercial aerospace innovation cluster with “thousands of enterprises, thousands of stars, and 100 billion yuan in revenue”.The development of the main position and the new landmark of the world aerospace industry innovation, and contribute to the “Yizhuang Power” for Beijing’s construction of a global influence.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Li Jia

Photography/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Fu Ding